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Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Patient Management Using Computer


Computers are used for planning and controlling purposes by health care professionals. Computer equipments are used to monitor pulse rate, blood pressure and other vital signs. This loads to correct and fast diagnosis. Medical researchers are using computers as a tool in their search for cures of deadly diseases, like Cancer and Aids.

medical establishments using computer
 Computers are used in hospitals for mainly two purposes. One is the clinical applications which helps the doctor in his professional practice. Clinical applications contains generation of prescriptions, patient’s case sheet, etc. The other purpose is administration which contains financial accounting, billing, inventory control, etc. These two things are related to each other because sometimes doctor needs patient’s case sheet for care of patient and he also needs billing information.

You can networked large hospital so that each information about each patient would be available throughout the hospital. You can use large area network (LAN) in the hospitals by using LANs. You can share different resources like printers, terminals, etc. You can get data from any terminal. You can get the records of each patient from any terminal. If one terminal’s data is deleted or erased, then you can get data from another terminal.

In these days, computers are very powerful. A single computer can do several tasks in any hospital. But, sometime work load is high in many
Hospitals. That time, a single computer is not sufficient for working it can create many problems. There are several tasks which can't be fully performed by a single computer.

In hospital, there should be a separate software which are related to medical treatments. A software developer who is having experience in medical software development can provide that type of software. You should select a good software to begin with. A good software should be designed according to your requirements. These softwares can be modified time to time. There are several new versions of softwares came to the market having new technology.

Before using computer, one should have knowledge to operate it. You can get the knowledge of computer through books, video tapes, etc. This knowledge provides while purchasing the computer. One can get this knowledge after purchasing computer.

A computer has become an integral and essential part of hospital’s tasks. If it gets any damage then whole work will be stopped. One should ask existing customers about the service quality and their annual maintenance charges. When a system is damaged then company should provide the facilities to repair that system.

In hospital, doctors and nursing staff can use the computer efficiently. Because they know about procedures and other information of hospital. Trained computer operators are not honest. They work according to their choice. They also demand high salery. So, staff members should operate the system.

In these days computerization have been done in hospitals and nursing homes. In hospitals, clinical applications, inventory control, billing and patient records, etc. tasks should be computerized. Most of records are computerized in hospitals. Various types of information can be entered in computers, like various procedures, investigation results for indoor patients, discharge information of patients, registration of patients, etc.

There are several medical software packages. These softwares have several options. These softwares provide you case sheet including history, examination investigation results, etc. These types of softwares include password. Before using them, you have to define password.

Password restrictions are necessary for every software. So that an unauthorized person cannot use the system. Sometimes, some information is important. For the protection of that information, password is used. The hospital administrator have full permission to access the information. If you are using hospital delight manager package, in this package, main menus are masters, accounts entry, patient records, lab tests, reports and queries, utility, etc.

There are several departments in hospital and nursing homes, like lab department, account department etc. To open account department, open main menu of masters, choose masters option. It will open department entry option. It will open a dialog box. It shows options, like lab, wards, visiting doctors, etc. If you want ward entry then select ward entry option. It displays number of beds, types of ward, etc. To know about visit of doctor, select visiting doctor entry. It will show number of doctor’s visits, he is junior/senior, etc. If you want to see records of a patient charges, select charges option. If you want to keep a record of a patient lab testing, choose lab option from main menu. It will give you lab information.

This menu includes several menus like group, sub group, etc. It gives the facility of preparing receipts for payments against bills. Vouchers are also prepared for all payment given out. These things are not only related to any particular patient but can be for any purpose.

3.                               Patient Records
Patient records menu include several other options like operation list, bill generation, OPD charges, casualty, etc.

3(a)        Operation list : Operation list is prepared by delight package f0r further diagnosis of patient. It contains operation data, operation theatre, etc. It contains bed no., room no., patient code etc.

3(b) Bill generation : Deligh software is contained billing package for hospitals and nursing homes. It records OPD tickets, IPD bills, departmental bills, etc. It entered various charges of patient, daily and make final bill when patient is discharged.

3(c) Lab tests : In clinical laboratory, a lab test is done. There are several patients registered in morning, the results of test entered after making complete reports. It contains other options, like lab period status, name/code wise status, Tests (T), etc.

4.                               Treatment Chart

A treatment chart is also prepared by delight package. It shows more requirements for further diagnosis of patient. This chart contains patient code, sex, room no., bed no., etc. It also contains data of discharge, case history of patient, etc.

5.                               Utility
Utility menu includes calculator, calendar, change password, change financial year option, etc.

Every patient in hospital has a patient record code. It is an identification number of each patient. So that confliction among patient can be avoided. The programs assign a new number automatically while registering new patient. The case sheet contains certificates, investigation results, etc.

An IPD number is assigned to every patient. New registration option is done admissions and discharges. Every patient has been given a new registration number. A blank admission form is appeared onscreen with a new number by selecting new registration option. A new number will move the cursor to the next field by pressing enter key.

Queries and Reports
Queries menu includes operation lists, OPD patients, ultrasounds, X-rays, appointments, lab tests, treatment charts options, etc. Regent makes use of additional master files-reference values, when the reports are printed. It checks whether patient is an adult or a child, his sex. etc. The appropriate reference values are printed against each test. It is difficult to print all possible reference values in printed form, so it is done by computer system.

Press ESC key, to exit from software delight. To exit, press Yes otherwise No option.

There are several applications used in various medical softwares in hospitals. These applications are OT scheduling, duty rosters, nursing stations, bed status, reception enquiries, etc.

To manage routine Documents
A patient who has missed one vaccination then a paediatrician may spend a lot of time in recalculating the immunisation schedule. This application is handled by appropriate software. The documents contain leave and fitness certificates, discharge summaries, etc. These are handled by computers easily.

For a follow-up visit, when patient come again. Who are the patients expected today? Do they need telephonic reminders? When should and can, the visit be rescheduled if the patient misses the appointment?, etc.

A computer can record symptoms, signs investigation results and responses to treatment. The computer can be of great assistance in ensuring that the complete history is recorded.
ECG Analysis
ECG machines can record and analyses the ECG, if and only if these machines are computerized efficiently.

There are two types of ophthalmologists : plain and graphical. It contains prescriptions of drugs, spec drugs, drops and ointments, case sheet of patient etc. These programs allow colour coding for different types of lesions.

Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgeons have to practice without making single cut on patient Computers provide 3D image of patient which can be turned by various computer methods.

General Surgery
Surgery patients need physiotherapy advised, pre and post-operative investigation results, medications prescribed, etc. All these are done by computer’s programs.

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