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Wednesday, 13 July 2016


Anenrysm: A point in the heart or a blood vessel that is extended and in danger of rupture.

Angina pectoris: A pain in the chest, often going into the left arm that is a symptom of heart disease. It is brought on by emotion, exertion, exposure to cold, or by a heavy meal. It is relieved by a few moments of rest or a tablet of nitroglycerine.

Arrhythmia: An irregular heartbeat that may be harmless or that may indicate heart disease.

Atherosclerosis: Build-up of fat in the arteries that lead to their clogging. It starts in childhood through fatty diets and lack of exercise. High blood cholesterol is a danger sign.

Balloon Angioplasty: When a balloon is inserted -inside a clogged coronary artery and then inflated to unblock it. An alternative to bypass surgery (see below).

Beta-blockers: Medication which reduces the blood pressure and slows the heart rate.

Blood clotting: A blood clot is a semi­solid mass (lump) of blood which can block the arteries either on a place with severe atherosclerosis or it is transported by the blood to a narrower artery.

Blood pressure: The pressure of blood against the arteries when the heart contracts -and when it is at rest. The .first is systolic pressure, and the second diastolic pressure. It is measured by a sphygmomanometer. A reading of 160 (systolic) over 95 (diastolic) is defined as high blood pressure.

Bypass Surgery: When surgeons take a vein or artery from elsewhere in the body, and use it to reroute blood around a clogged coronary artery.

Cardiac (or heart) arrest: A sudden halt of the heart’s contractions.

Cardiomyopathies: Various diseases of the heart muscle, usually of obscure origin.

Cardiovascular diseases: Diseases of the heart and blood vessels (see cardiac arrest, coronary heart disease, heart attack, heart failure, rheumatic heart disease, stroke).

Cerebral: Referring to the brain.

Cerebrovascular diseases (or stroke): Brain damage caused by impaired blood flow. The main forms are:
                  cerebral haemorrhage (bleeding in the brain because of a ruptured artery);
                  cerebral thrombosis (clotting within a brain artery);
                  cerebral embolism (blockage of a brain artery, usually by a small blood clot or by an .air bubble).

Cholesterol: A fatty substance in theblood manufactured by the body. A diet rich in fat, which adds cholesterol to the body, may lead to clogged blood vessels. A cholesterol level of 240‘ or above should be treated. Diet and sometimes drugs can reduce cholesterol levels.

Coronary (or ischaemic) heart disease: A disability in the heart’s functioning because- of insufficiency of blood supply to the heart muscle in most cases caused by the narrowing of arteries and blood clots on the narrow part. A severe form is myocardial infarction (death of part of a heart muscle).

Diabetes: A disease caused by the malfunctioning of the pancreas which produces insulin that regulates the body’s carbohydrate (sugar) metabolism. Diabetics are particularly susceptible to coronay heart disease.

Diuretics: Medication which increases urination, eliminates sodium chloride (salt) from the blood, and thus reduces blood pressure and water retention in the body.

Heart Attack: A frequently used expression for myocardial infarction (see coronary heart disease, above).

Heart Failure: A failure of the heart to pump sufficient blood to the organs and tissues.

Hypertension: The most common disorder of the circulatory system which indicates either a chronically elevated systolic or diastolic arterial blood pressure, or both.

Renal hypertension: High blood pressure resulting from disease of the kidney.

Rheumatic heart disease: Damage to the valve and muscles of the heart resulting from rheumatic fever which itself is caused by, a streptococcal infection. It is-the commonest form of heart disease among youth in developing countries.

Risk-factors: Personal habits that render an individual at risk to cardiovascular attack: high blood pressure (160/95 mm Hg and
over), high, cholesterol, tobacco use, lack of exercise, excess alcohol, obesity, fatty foods, more than 5g daily intake of salt, stress.

Stroke: The bursting or blocking of a blood vessel in the brain that may result in paralysis (temporary or permanent) in a part of the body, and in loss of speech.

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