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Monday, 11 July 2016

Meaning Importance and Limitations of Statistics

Why Statistics?

We find different kinds of numerical facts published in news papers, journals and magazines. Radios and Televisions convey different kinds of numerical information. Some of them, for example, are The cost of living index number rose from 230 in January I970 to 300 in December 1971. This year we expect an increase of Rs. 50 over the percapita income of last year. The average score of Srikanth in the test matches is 48.

To understand these and similar other statements and to analyse and interpret them we require knowledge in Statistical Methods. So a grasp of Statistics is thus essential in the modern world.

All of us must be aware of statistical content in our social, economic and political life. It is impossible for the Government to function without collecting vast amount of information for administration and for national economic planning. It is impossible to understand Psychology, Education, Sociology, Economics, Business Management, Physical Sciences, even at the most elementary level, without some idea of Statistical Methods.

Meaning of Statistics

The word Statistics is understood by different people in different manner. For some people, if is tables, charts etc. For some, it is a set of figures. It is a method of studying quantitative information regarding some phenomena. Thus we see that generally the word is used in two different senses.

In the first sense it refers to the numerical facts called statistical data. In the second sense it refers to some theories, methods, principles etc. In this sense statistics is a body of methods known as statistical. methods. The methods and techniques provided by Statistics range from the most elementary devices which may be understood by even a layman to the complicated mathematical procedures which can be understood only by experts.

Origin and Growth of Statistics

Statistics is a very old branch of knowledge. The word Statistics seems to have been derived from the Latin word Status or Italian word Statista or German word Statistik all mean political state. The origin of Statistics was due to administrative requirements of the state. Administration of the state required the collection and anal sis of data relating to population. And material wealth of the country .One of the earliest census of population and wealth was held 1n Egypt as early as 3050 BC. for the creation of pyramids.

Although Statistics originated as a science of kings, now it has emerged into a very important and useful science of all human beings. There is hardly any branch 'of human activity where the statistical methods are not made use of. Statistics has grown into a very powerful science.

Definition of Statistics

Statistics has been defined either as a singular noun or as a plural noun in various ways by different authors.

(a)    Definition of Statistics as plural noun (or as numerical facts)
Statistics as a plural noun stands for numerical facts collected. Though different anthers have defined the term Statistics differently, the definition given by Horace Secrist is most exhaustive.
According to Horace Secrist, Statistics are aggregates of facts affected to marked extent by multiplicity of causes numerically expressed, enumerated or estimated according to a reasonable standard of accuracy, collected in a systematic manner for a predetermined purpose and placed in relation to each other

(b)    Definition of Statistics as a singular noun (or as a method)
The word Statistics as a singular noun stands for a body of methods known as statistical methods. Statistics’ is a method of obtaining and analyzing numerical facts, and figures in order to arrive at the some decisions. In this sense, the word Statistics has been defined by many We Of these definitions, the definition given by Seligman is short and simple and yet quite comprehensive.

According to Seligman, “Statistics is the science which deals with the methods of collecting, classifying, comparing and interpreting numerical data collected, to throw some light on any sphere of enquiry”

The definition points out the Various Statistical methods or features of science of Statistics. They are collection of data classification of data, presentation of data and analysis and interpretation of these presented data.

Characteristics of Statistics

As per the definition given by Horace Secrist, Statistics should possess the following characteristics.

(1) Statistics should be aggregate of facts: Single and unconnected figures are not statistics. A single motor accident in a city is not statistics. But the total or aggregate number of motor accidents that have occurred in a city during a month or an year are statistics.

(2) They should be affected to a marked extent by multiplicity of causes: Statistical facts are affected or influenced by a number of factors. For example, if Rajesh gets good marks in the examination the following factors might have influenced (i) he is intelligent (ii) he is hard working (iii) his parents tookkeen interest in his studies (iv) he is a disciplined boy etc. Therefore Statistical facts are influenced by many factors. (3) They must be numerically expressed: Qualitative expressions like good, bad, young, old etc., do not form part of statistical studies. Facts which are expressed in figures can only be called Statistics. For example, when we say that this year the rainfall is poor, it is not statistics. But when we say the average rainfall, in the last year was 10 cm and this year it is only 4 cm then it becomes a statistical statement. '

(4) They should be enumerated or estimated according to reasonable standard of accuracy: The data may be collected by enumeration or by estimation. Statistician must observe reasonable standard of accuracy in collection of data. Heights of students are measured to the nearest centimeter while distance of a place is measured to the nearest kilometer.

(5) They should be collected in a systematic manner: The data should be collected in a systematic manner according to a well prepared plan.

(6) They should be collected for a predetermined purpose: The purpose for which the data are to be collected should be specific and well defined. Investigator should be fully aware of the purpose of the enquiry before he proceeds to collect the data. Otherwise he may ignore facts which are relevant.

(7) They should be placed in relation to each other: Statistics collected should facilitate comparison. Therefore they must be homogeneous. Unrelated data cannot constitute Statistics. For example, the height of a person cannot be compared with the money spent by him.

Functions of Statistics (Why is Statistics important?) Main functions of Statistics are

(1) It Simplifies complexity: In our studies' we collect huge facts and figures. They cannot be easily understood. Statistical methods make these large number of facts easily ' intelligible and readily understandable. In Statistics there are methods like Graphs and Diagrams, classification, Averages etc which render complex data very simple.

(2) It presents facts in a definite and precise form: Statistics presents facts numerically and thus gives definite and precise form to the data. Statement of facts conveyed in quantitative terms are always convincing.

(3) It helps condensation: Statistics helps in condensing mass of data into a few significant figures. Average provides a single significant figure summarizing the entire data. Percapita income, for example, is the essence of the individual incomes.

(4) It enables comparison of data: Unless figuresare compared with others of the same kind, they are of no use. When we say that the price of a commodity has increased very much, the statement does not make the position very clear. But when we say that last year price was Rs. 10 but now it is Rs. 11 the comparison becomes easy. Statistics provides a number of suitable methods like ratios, percentages, averages etc for comparison.

(5) It helps in testing: Statistical methods are extensively useful in testing hypothesis. They also help to develop new theories. Statistics help in testing laws of other sciences. For example, Law of demand, Law of 'supply etc can be verified with the help of Statistics.

(6) It helps prediction (or forecasting): Plans and policies of organizations are formulated well in advance of the time of their implementation. A knowledge of future trends is always necessary in framing policies and plans. Statistical methods provide helpful means of forecasting future events.

(7) It helps' In formulating policies. Statistics provide the basic material for framing suitable policies. The statistical tools like collection of data help much in this regard.

(8) Statistics studies the relationship between different groups: In all types of studies the importance of observing relationship between different phenomena is very great. The relationship between price and supply or price and demand can be studied with the help of Statistical methods like correlation.

(9) It enlarges human experience: The science of Statistics enlarges human experience and knowledge. Statistical methods can be applied to make vague and indefiniteideas to become clear and definite. Many conclusions and information can be verified and established with the help Statistics.

Importance and utility of Statistics (or Scope of Statistics)

In the early period of development of Statistics, it had only limited scope. But in modern times, the scope of Statistics has become so wide that it includes all quantitative studies and analysis relating to any department of enquiry.

Thus it is hardly possible to find a field where statistical methods are not used. This universality of statistics is enough to indicate its importance, utility and indispensability to the modern world.

We shall discuss below the importance of statistics in various fields.

1. Business and Industry:

Statistics is an aid to business and commerce. When a person enters business, he enters into the profession of forecasting. Modern statistical devices have made business forecasting more precise and accurate.

A business man needs Statistics right from the time he proposes to start business. He should have relevant facts and figures to prepare the financial plan of the proposed business. Statistical methods are necessary for these purposes.

Before putting his product in the market the business man should know the probable demand of the commodity. So he must make careful studies of seasonal variations in the habits and tastes of the people. He should also take into consideration the changes in purchasing power of money. Statistical methods are very useful in this regard. When a businessman wants to explore the demand for his product, he has to conduct market research which is nothing but a type of statistical investigation.

In industrial concerns statistical devices are being used not only to determine and control the quality of products manufactured but also to reduce wastage to a minimum. The technique of statistical quality control is used to maintain the quality of products.

2. Business Management

One of the important functions of business management is to coordinate the activities of the various departments so as to secure maximum efficiency with minimum effort. To discharge this function efficiently, management is making wise decisions in the face of uncertainty. Modern Statistics has developed certain general principles and devices to deal with uncertainties wisely. Modern statistical tools of collection, classification, tabulation, analysis and interpretation of data, have been found to be an important aid in making wise decisions at various levels of management function.

The success of production programming both in the short as well as long period depends to a great extent on the quality of sales forecasts. Statistical methods can be applied to have better sales forecasts. Effective control on sales can also be exercised through regional allocations. Market research consumer preference studies etc. are some other methods of sales control, which make an extensive use of statistical tools.

3. Economics

The science of Economics is becoming statistical in its method. In me field of Economies it is almost impossible to find a problem which does not require an extensive use of statistical data. As economic theory advances, use of statistical methods also increases. The laws of Economics like Law of demand, Law of supply etc. can be considered true and established with the help of statistical methods. Statistics of consumption tell us about the relative strength of the desire of a section of people. Statistics of production describe the wealth of a nation. Exchange statistics throw light on commercial development of a nation. Distribution Statistics disclose the economic conditions of the various classes of people Therefore statistical methods are necessary for proving economic laws. Marshall observes that statistics are the straw out of which I like every other economist to make bricks”.

Index number like Cost of living index number, Whole sale price index number etc. and analysis of time series are important statistical concepts in economic theory. Thus one can say that without Statistics many theories of Economics would have remained closed to mankind.

4. Administration (or to the Government)

Statistics are the eyes of government administration. For efficient administration, Government have to depend on Statistics. The Government has to collect statistical data whenever they adopt measures to achieve the objectives like reducing inequalities in the distribution of wealth, income etc. The Government administration is run through budgets which are formulated on the basis of statistics. The commissions and committees appointed by the Governments base their reports on statistics. The government requires statistics for carrying on their commercial activities. The government formulates policies concerning family planning, establishment of new industries etc. On the basis of statistical information. Our five year plans are formulated with the help of statistical methods.

5. Research

Modern statistical methods and statistical data are being found increasingly useful in research in different fields. In the field of science, in the literary field, in the field of business activities and in the lied of economic activities, research work are being undertaken with the help of statistical methods.

6. Planning Modem age is an age of planning

For planning to be successful, statistical data are necessary. So planning cannot be managed without statistics. National sample survey scheme was primarily started to collect statistical data.

7. Bankers, brokers and Insurance companies

Statistical methods help various economic entities. A banker has to make statistical study of business cycles. The stock exchange brokers speculators and investors etc. Have to rely on statistical data for precise forecasting. The success of insurance company depends on the accurate basic data that it uses for the calculation of premium rates etc.

Limitation of Statistics (1) Statistics studies only numerical facts: Statistics are numerical statements of facts. Therefore such characteristics which cannot be expressed in numbers are not capable of statistical analysis. Thus qualitative characteristics like honesty, intelligence etc, cannot be studied directly with Statistics. '

(2) Statistics does not study individual cases: Statistics studies only the aggregate of facts. It does not study any particular unit. Suppose the percapita income of an American is 10000 dollars. Then this is only the average income of people of America and it does not reveal the poverty and misery of individuals in America. The reason for this is that the high incomes of some people offset the low incomes.

(3) Statistical results are true only on an average:
Law of Statistics are not universally true like the laws of Physics or Astronomy. They are true only in general.

(4) Statistics does not reveal the entire story of the problem:
Since many problems are affected by such factors which are incapable of statistical analysis it is not always possible to examine a problem in all its aspects by a statistical approach.

(5) Statistics is only one of the methods of studying a problem:
In many cases, Statistics fails to suggest solution to certain problems. These are problems which are to be considered in the light of many qualitative aspects like countrys culture, religion and philosophy. Statistics cannot ~ be of much help in studying such problems.

(6) Statistics can be misused (Statistical methods can be used only by experts):
Any person can misuse statistics and draw any type of conclusion he likes. In reality statistical methods can be properly used only by trained people. It requires skill and experience to draw sensible conclusions from the data.

(7) Only means and not a solution:
Statistics are only a means for finding the solution of any problem. It is not a solution to the problem,

Distrust of Statistics

By distrust of Statistics we mean lack of confidence in statistical statements and statistical methods.

It is often commented by people, Statistics can prove anything”. There are three types of lies: lies, damned lies and Statistics. An ounce of Statistics will produce tons of statistics. Some have condemned statistics as tissues of falsehood. Statistics is also called a rainbow of lies. These and similar statements indicate the extent to which the science of statistics is not trusted even in modem times when its use has spread over all types of human activities. Due to the ignorance of the public as well as the misuse of Statistics by interested parties, this useful science has been blamed. We are often misled by skilful talkers and writers who deceive us with incorrect facts. Therefore we come to distrust Statistics. The distrust of Statistics cannot be attributed to this science as it is mainly due to the deliberate manipulation of statistics by unscrupulous persons to support their views.

Figures are innocent and easily believable. Sp men believe statistical statement, usually without questioning it. There is great danger in this way of approach since figures which support a particular statement need not be true. Arriving at wrong conclusions by incorrect figures condemn statistics in the strongest possible language. The fault in such cases does not lie with Statistics. It lies with those who use it.

Statistical methods are most dangerous tools in the hands of the inexpert. The science of Statistics is a most useful servant but only of a great value to those who understand it properly.

Misuse of Statistics

By Misuse of Statistics we mean using incomplete and incorrect information and using inappropriate statistical method. Quoting figures without knowing their context, applying figures or statistical measure to such phenomena to which they do not relate, generalizing from the pan to the whole, listing out only those events which are favorable to an argument etc. are some of the ways of misusing Statistics and Statistical methods. Misuses unfortunately are as common as valid uses of Statistics. Many people misuse statistical data and statistical methods and draw fallacious conclusions. In reality statistical methods can be properly used only by trained people.

Divisions of Statistics The science of statistics can be divided into three broad divisions.

(1) Theoretical Statistics (2) Statistical methods (3) Applied Statistics

When Mathematical theory forms e basis of the science of statistics, it is called Theoretical Statistics. Statistical methods are methods by which data recollected and they are organized presented analyzed and interpreted. Statistical methods can be divided into two groups (a) Descriptive Statistics (b) Inferential or inductive Statistics.

Descriptive statistics and Inferential Statistics. The term descriptive statistics is conformed to the treatment of data for the purpose of describing their characteristics. It involves techniques for summarizing data and presenting them in a usable form. Inferential statistics involves making forecasts, estimations or judgments about some larger group of data than that actually observed or about future happening based on a study of historical data. They project from the known to the unknown. If we find the average marks obtained by the students in a class to study the efficiency of the students, it is descriptive statistics. But when we use the average marks obtained by a section of students to estimate the average marks of the entire students, it is inferential statistics.


‘Statistics is the Science of averages

Statistics as Science of averages Average is a single figure which can effectively describe the general trend of statistical data and can be used to compare two or more singular situations. Many of the statistical conclusions are based on statistical average. Therefore it is justifiable if Statistics is defined as science of averages. But the definition is insufficient as the science of Statistics has many other functions.

Statistics is the Science of counting’

The elements of Statistics defines Statistics as science of counting. Counting in Statistics has a greater significance. It, in fact, means collection of data through counting or measuring the objects under study. Collection of data is an extremely important problem in Statistics. But from the present points of view, the definition is inadequate and it touches only the function of Statistics. 

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